资 源 简 介
Very rudimentary things for building Java web applications.
It consists of the following sub-projects:
* closure-maven-plugin - a Maven plugin that compresses JS files with the Google Closure Compiler
* phloc-web - very common things for Servlets, Filters, Mail sending, UserAgent handling, file upload, proxy handling, port handling, common HTTP header handling and some rudimentary DNS handling
* phloc-webscopes - generic scope handling for web applications - was previously contained in the phloc-scopes project.
* phloc-appbasics - common domain model for elements required by applications: DAOs, IO handling, Menu handling, Page Handler, bulk import and export, user management, user group management, role management and some security aspects
* phloc-webbasics - adds web elements for the elements contained in phloc-appbasics
* phloc-webctrls - a library with UI controls for the phloc-webbasics: e.g. Twitter Bootstrap, AutoNumeric, Col