资 源 简 介
this "project" is a set of my projects (tools, utilities, games, demos, junk, ...)
created mostly for learning purposes, some code was written for me dealing with my
## GAMES ##
### mines/ ###
minesweeper game with swing gui (and as ajax-browsergame: web-wings-mines)
### schnellen-core/ ###
card game "tiroler schnellen", with a commandline ui.
### lifesimulator/ ###
swing app showing the life of foxes and rabbits.
rabbits are eaten by the foxes. demonstrates usage of the paint(Graphics)
### app-rubic-cube/ ###
(not yet runnable) gui for a rubic cube model
## APPS: ##
### app-soundsorter/ ###
helps to merge two soundcollections sorted by genre and artists.represented by a swing gui. collects the sound metadata from mpc.
### app-videotools/ ###
creates thumbnails and overview pix for movies by calling ffmpeg and imagemagick. provides batch-functionality.
### renamer/ ###
java-photo-tool to rename photos in batch mode close to the needs