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购买积分 购买会员 激活码充值

您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 通过展示促销徽章现有推特用户推广你的推特帐户。


资 源 简 介

Fathomer is a highly customizable tool that detects if a visitor to your site is a Twitter user and shows a badge, or ad, with your message and a link to your Twitter account. The idea behind Fathomer is to directly target users who are already Twitter members. The thinking behind this is that existing users are much, much more likely to follow you than people who have never encountered Twitter before. It works by detecting if a user has visited the account settings page on Twitter, which is a URL you can only access once you have been logged in to the service. The user does not have to enter any personal account information, nor do you. Its easy to install on your site, simply by adding a small piece of javascript somewhere on your page. It is possible to customize Fathomer in the following ways: 1. Custom message - A default is used if none is set. 1. Specify your account name. This is the only required piece of information and is used for display p

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