资 源 简 介
An importer for XML-like DXS files from the DeleD 3D (http://www.delgine.com).
The idea behind this importer is to have an extensible model parser that can be used for a multitude of java engines such as jMonkey 2 and Ardor3D. Users can write custom format loaders and plugins to import user tagged geometry such as attachment points, collision volumes, triggers, etc.
Default formats and extensions for jMonkey 2 and Ardor3D (and any future supported engines) are hosted as separate projects in the subversion. Currently inactive.
Lights - Spot, Directional, Point.
Color Materials (one layer only).
Texture Materials (up to three layers).
Automatically triangulates polygons.
Automatically splits meshes with multiple materials (only 1 material per primitive).
Support for jMonkey 2.0 Engine.