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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 这是一个Flex 3,火焰DS,弹簧,和Hibernate的应用

这是一个Flex 3,火焰DS,弹簧,和Hibernate的应用

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This application stores and retrieves aphorisms entered in by the user...This program has nothing to do with "genetic algorithms" This "aphorisms", flex 3, program uses the latest java spring framework practices. this application utilizes Flex 3, Mate, Spring, Hibernate, and BlazeDS This application is configured utilizing Spring Java Annotations To run this program... 1) download the project in its entirety from the subversion trunk 2) run the following ant tasks from the downloaded build.xml file found in the trunk directory a) "ant _war" b) after running the "ant _war" ant target, copy the resulting, springbds.war, war file from newly created "dist" directory to the tomcat 6 webapps directory. c) "ant startHsqlServer" this will create and start the embedded HsqlDB database d) start the tomcat 6

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