资 源 简 介
Some important points of news (2008-09-07):
The plugin system is being removed from mclib in order to speed up development.
Since the plugin system (mclib) is being removed leaving only the game (ProtoCombat), the name of the project will change to ProtoCombat.
We are currently looking for a new place to host the source code for mclibgame. When we find it, it will be posted here. It will be under the name ProtoCombat
mclib is a 2d game engine in java with a gui toolkit and a plugin system.
The first Technology Preview has been released. If you decide to download it, be ready to spend a few minutes setting it up, and be very fragile while running it. It doesn"t have an installer, and there"s no error checking yet.
To discuss the game, join irc://irc.freenode.net#mclib
Note to developers: The api for mclib is currently unstable and not yet feature complete. The slick lib