资 源 简 介
gwt-jsonmaker is derived from gwt-jsonizer(http://code.google.com/p/gwt-jsonizer). It fixes all the bugs and works with GWT 2.0+ and Google chrome.
Converts Java Beans into json string and vice versa. Java Beans can have objects of other beans as well.
Support for all the collections classes like ArrayList, HashMap, HashSet, Vectors etc. and Arrays.
Support for Date objects i.e. they can be used directly in the beans
Support for annotations
a. @Transient: To not include a field during serialization
b. @Required: To ensure that json contains a field before it can be converted to an object
c. @Notnull: To ensure that if a field is null, serialization stops with an exception
d. @PropName: To provide alias for a property during serialization
Can serialize/de-serialize native supported