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easy ORM (Object Relational Mapping) We had to change the name of this project because of one of the already existing more matured project which is also called "Simple ORM" Recently there have been lots of hype about dynamic languages and frameworks like Ruby on Rails. Many have blogged about pros and cons of RoR and such dynamic languages. The hype is so high that it made me learn (J)RoR. After some reading and some projects on RoR I learned that programmers love these languages because of its ease of use and I loved it too. Many also say that these kind of languages are "threat" to Java, after all Java is complex!! For a Java developer it is a hard thing to just start working in a whole different environment and start using whole different syntax because no-one likes learning curves. Finally I thought that isn"t it possible to get this kind of ease of use and simplicity in Java, Java is a powerful language, isn"t it? This

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