资 源 简 介
aSMS - another SMS program for iPhone.
If you want a Native SMS App,please try [ChinSMS](http://www.iphone.org.hk/cgi-bin/ch/topic_show.cgi?id=457&h=1&bpg=1&age=0) or [WeSMS](http://www.weiphone.com/attachment.php?aid=11995)
## Why: ##
iPhone"s SMS program is cool, but lose some features: forward, batch send.
aSMS provide forward, mailto,batch send(todo) features and can read the PhoneBook from SIM card. aSMS is a browser based program, so you can use it on a pc remotely. Important For CJK language users, they can use a javascript IME to input their characters.
AT command(/dev/tty.debug) + (shttpd) ----> web browser interface