资 源 简 介
I moved the code to GiyHub https://github.com/mrharel/babajs
BabaJS is an open source Javascript template engine/manager.
The basic concept is: Template + Data = HTML
Main Features:
* Sub Templating – you can include additional templates from other template as much as you like.
* Dependency Management – BabaJS keep track about dependencies between templates and JS and CSS files to make sure all are loaded when needed.
* Fast – BabaJS compiles the templates in order to achive fast execution.
* Template Stack Variables – BabaJS allows you to define variables in the template tags and access them from anywhere in the template or from included templates.
* Text Based - BabaJS is doing text manipulation and doesn’t work on the DOM elements, thus allowing it to work on Node.JS as well.
* Template Manager – BabaJS is not only a template engine, but also a manager that provides API to add/remove and create dependencies between templates.