资 源 简 介
reMIND is a project originally developed at Linköping University, Sweden since the year 2000. At present the continued development is a joint effort by the Division of Energy Systems at Linköping University and the Division of Energy Engineering at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden.
reMIND aims to ease optimizations of resource usage in factories / production lines. To optimize the models reMIND uses an external linear optimiser compatible with the MPS-file format like ILOG CPLEX, LP Solve and similar. An optimizer not provided with this download.
The optimisation method is based on MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming)
How to run this program:
Download the featured jar file found to the right. (reMIND3.0.zip)
Unzip the file to a directory of your choice
Start reMIND by executing (double clicking) the file reMIND3.0.bat
Note: reMIND 3.0 requires JRE (Java Runtime E