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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 出口对象引用GWT模块和/或导入到其他模块


资 源 简 介

What is gwt-remote It"s a library for facilitating the use of objects outside its own module. A GWT object is compiled/optimized for its own module so it"s not directly accesible by external javascript less even another GWT-module. gwt-remote builds the bridges to use it. You can view it like a (humble) analogy of RMI, but between modules instead of between processes. Additionaly you can use the "exported" objects from common javascript, using the clean named methods. Motivation Altough it"s not usual to have different GWT-modules in the same page there are some scenarios. My motivation was the desire to build an all-GWT portal framework. It would be very straightforward to do it and there are some libraries for the UI part (gwt-portlets) but the drawback is you must compile everything together. So you cannot hot-deploy your portlets. Making posible to communicate between different GWT-modules based on a common share

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