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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > 记事本+ + quicktext,代码段为codepress和NetBeans代码模板

记事本+ + quicktext,代码段为codepress和NetBeans代码模板

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Quick text is a plug-ins for the popular editor notepad plus plus. Using TAB allows code segment to be inserted quickly. The plug-ins also has option for Add/Modify quick tags. Which changes the QuickText.ini file. The project file is maintained specially for java,php,html languages. Codepress is a web based editor with has similar functionality. Its language files are used for quick text by pressing TAB. Netbeans has this feature known as Code Template. The modified code template is stored at Documents and Settings/"user"/.netbeans/"version"/config/Editors/text/"language"/Code Templates/ The default shortcut key is also Tab, however it can be changed from tools menu.

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