资 源 简 介
What is Pathful Framework
Pathful is an elegant, extensible framework for creating Java AJAX web application. Adhering to the principle "Convention over configuration", Pathful Framework provide a flexible path mapping mechanism to ransparently map from web request to Java Bean.
To be AJAX web framework:
Pathful mapping each request into an class method execution.
For example when a AJAX request is trigered by a web page, whose URL is "http://hostname/webapp/admin/UserAction/get.do?username=admin".
In pathful framework, the "some.parent.package.webapp.admin.UserAction" class will automatic instance and propterty "username"
be assigned to "admin", and then its method get() will be executed. After then, method return value will be automatically converted into corresponding JSon stream.
To be a IoC container:
Path tree style dependency injecti