资 源 简 介
The uima-common package aims at assembling common and generic code snippets that can be usefully reused in several distinct UIMA developments (like analysis engine or any application).
It also includes some machine learning (ml) and natural language processing (nlp) analysis engines.
cas, ae ,ressources
mlnlp processing and connexion via ae
It is made of various parts
* UIMA utilities for handling CAS objects (common.cas)
* UIMA utilities for handling resources objects (common.ressources)
* a generic implementation of analysis engine called CommonAE whose class extends JCasAnnotator_ImplBase (common.ae)
* In addition, it comes with basic ML/NLP components (such as concordancer, variantRecognizer, RegexSubstitute) (mlnlp)
The implementation is hardly based on the java.lang.reflect API.
Why to use this packag