资 源 简 介
Swift is a tool for packaging images, fonts, sounds, binary data to swf as runtime shared library or swc as precompiled library. You can load and access these resources at runtime, such as RSL(runtime shared library). Swfit is a free software written by Java, so the Java runtime is required.
Swift has two ways to use. The first is xml2lib, you can use it to compile resources specified in a xml. The other is dir2lib, you can use it to compile resources in a specified directory.
2011-06-02 Swift 1.0.3发布。增加allowDomain属性设置的支持,解决跨域加载的问题。具体用法可参考下面的xml库文件示例。
2011-01-31 Swift 1.0.2发布。增加对输出SWC的支持。只要把输入文件参数后缀改为swc,即可编译为swc文件。增加两个编译font的参数char和charRange,可与unicode搭配使用。
2010-12-31 Swift 1.0.1发布。添加对Flex4支持,可以将图片转换为兼容Flex4的组件或容器。
2010-12-30 修正转换JPG图片为Sprite后无法显示的bug。