资 源 简 介
Inspired by the hamcrest library and the hamcrest-collections library, logicalpractice-collections attempts to implement a more flexiable and powerful collection tools.
* Typed collect wrappers that hold and optionally enforce type safely of collections
* select, collect and remove functional methods
The following syntax is (using this library perfectly valid java.
smiths = select(people, where(Person.class).getLastName(), equalToIgnoringCase("smith"));
// or using even more compact syntax
smiths = select(from(people).getLastName(), equalToIgnoringCase("smith"));
// returns a list of firstNames, one item for each elemnet of "people"
firstNames = collect(from(people).getFirstName());
There are some very [important limits](Limits.md) to the use of these functions and it"d be a good idea to have a quick read before you go wading on in there.