资 源 简 介
Four In A Line is a multiplayer Connect Four game. It can be played on a network, or against an AI game player.
The AI game player uses the algorithm developed by Keith Pomakis but then rewritten in Java.
The network layer uses RMI without using the callback pattern, which ensures that the game will be compliant with firewalls.
Connect Four is a trademark of Hasbro. I designated an implementation of the game and an AI player of it, but not the game itself.
In case you want to reuse some parts of the project in a proprietary product, please contact me for licensing issues at address |julien_aubin_lm| #AT# /yahoo/ DOT fr .
Update information : the new version, 1.3.6, now supports to be installed in a location which does not contain spaces. It requires a JVM 1.6+ and brings a huge speed improvement when using the AI player, two new AI strength levels and a better UI.
System requirements