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The project takes your friends and followers, compares them for matches, removes any followers that are not also friends, then generates a text file.
The current file is dumped to the specified path in a pipe-delimited file. The first dump is 140 characters, while the others are 128 to account for adding in a "#followfriday" hashtag. This is not yet automated.
As can be seen, this code is very rough now, is not configurable in its current form, and could use some work. This is part of why I"m releasing it under GPLv2: I hope you can get some use out of it.
This project uses the 0.9.7 manifest implementation of Java jtwitter library (http://www.winterwell.com/software/jtwitter.php) to do the heavy lifting, which is GNU LGPL.
The underlying code for jtwitter is LGPL-licensed.
The underlying code for log4j is under the Apache Software License.
NOTE This project has not been updated to integrate with Twitter OpenAuth pr