资 源 简 介
camellia-android is a Android JNI wrapper for an open source implementation of the Camellia encryption library. Currently, it only supports Ubuntu, but is based on the ctypes module, so should be easy to add support for Unix/Linux/Windows.
AESLib is a Android Java wrapper for an open source implementation of the AES encryption library.
camellia-androidはCamellia(共通鍵暗号方式)のAndroid JNIラッパーとして開発しオープンソースとして公開します。現在のバージョンではUbuntuで開発を行っています。ライブラリのバイナリはどの環境でも簡単に利用出来ます。
What"s new(2011/8/2)
aeslib was bug fixed.
bug: The same could not be encrypted AESLib different versions of the Android.
bug: Parameter set to character type to getBytes() method.
mod: Sets the salt key to the constructor of AESLib.
test version: Android 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.1, 3.0