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Under Design and Construction (current process is ScriptLanguage design)
GitHub has become the new development home of jarvar and ScriptLanguage.
Load up jar files and execute them on a very low security overhead platform. That is to say loose much of the overheads of a full Java install. The limits of design require few security checks on the jar or classes, and a limited and simple class library.
Development of the library considers the fact that a simple abstraction layer on top of SE/ME/ANDROID allows a common code base, and a reasonable library size. Also an NSPlugin is being considered. The cross-platform Qt toolkit would be best for developing a JRE free application, although the faster than light toolkit is more compact.
The abstraction layer is being developed for my own project use, but does have application in device cross usage. So the project is not just about a new Java bytecode engine, but also a new simpler, for programmer and memo