Yahoo! Messaging to Act as Bot, Chatroom, Unix Shell, and Text RPG Fight games.
It is designed to act like an IRC bot
make own chatroom that the room is a Yahoo ID!, so it will be well known.
With this Java Program you can control your server (mostly Unix/Linux) even without Public IP. (in private network).
Already Download the Binary ?
Unzip the 0.conf in yshell.jar
At Unix/Linux, use #unzip yshell.jar 0.conf
- Edit The YahooID you want to be as a bot, edit who yahooid as the Admin,
(Do you Vim"er ? vim 0.conf at Linux. )
- Pack(Zip) Again the 0.conf at yshell.jar
At Unix/Linux, use #zip yshell.jar 0.conf
- Already Done. . how to run ?
"java -jar yshell.jar 0"
- Need 2,3,4 and more Chatroom ..?
copy 0.conf to 1.conf and so on .. and Pack (Zip) to yshell.jar
Re-Run using
"java -jar yshell.jar 0 1 2 3"