资 源 简 介
Scout449 is a JAVA and web-based scouting program for FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) teams.
Features include:
* Compatibility with all major JAVA supported platforms (tested on Windows, Mac OS X, and Ubuntu Linux); web interface works in any modern browser (tested on Firefox 2.0+, Internet Explorer 6.0+, Opera 9.0+, Safari). Other platforms may be supported but not yet tested.
* Support for multiple teams scouting using the same network
* Works with Java 1.5 and on; version available for Java 1.3 and 1.4
* Tracking of qualitative (user comments) and quantitative (match scores) data
* Rapid and intuitive entry for comments and match scores
* Countdown to your matches in the pit
* Support for uploading scaled and rotated images for robots (currently only one picture per team)
* Internet and peer automatic updated
Future tasks:
* Support for multiple pictures per team
* Plugin architecture
* Automatic data gathering from the Internet