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Update: The first release, V0.98.
pNotebook is an open-sourced, Adobe Air based , cross-platform note-taking application. Think of it as a notebook for your PDFs.
I"ve written this mostly for creating a demo desktop application using pure web developing techonologies(Javascript, XHTML, CSS, AJAX, Flex ...). I accomplished this early on in the development process. PaperNoteBook? now has almost all the abilities of traditional desktop application, such as communicates with other applications, Drag&Drap ability, stays on system tray area, accesses filesystem & DB, etc.
You read a lot during your Master"s and PhD , and taking notes on your notebook just difficult to scale, manage and search items.
My next step is to create a full-featured note-taking application similar to OneNote on windows, or BasKet Note Pads o