资 源 简 介
SpringX 1.2.2 released! 2009-8-14
SpringX gives an easy and agile method to use Spring framework.
It provides zero-bean config mechanism eliminating hundreds and thousands of business bean config in JEE dev.
SpringX also provides a simpler approach to use Spring AOP with biz bean.
Framework Aim:
* Eliminate XML config for business bean.
* Eliminate Java annotation for business bean .
* Easier than
, because of no annotation need.
* Integrate legacy application written in Java without any modification.
Feature List:
* . Dinamyical Bean Register and autowire; (v1.0.0)
* . Strong type bean creation;
* . Compatible with spring standard usage,id naming;
* . Interface Injection, wildcard surrport. (v1.1.1)
* . Supporting delegate to existing applicationContext. (v1.2.0)
* . Much simpler AutoProxyCreator config bean for AOP.
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