资 源 简 介
Serial Foods Co. is introducing a new product, Marshmallow Binary Bits cereal. Our company, 1186 Entertainment, has been hired by Serial Foods Co. to create an online Reversi game as part of their promotion for Marshmallow Binary Bits. (The online game will follow the standard rules of Reversi which can be read about at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reversi.) The game will allow players to connect with other users and play games of Reversi over the internet through a Java applet front end. The game will include real time networking which will allow players to chat as they play. The server will relay game information and user chat messages between the clients. It will also use multi-threading to support multiple clients and games. Users may sign up for an account to keep track of rank, or they may sign in as a guest for a quick anonymous game. User login and ranking information will be stored in a database.