资 源 简 介
The groovy-guice project enables you to use Groovy script files and Groovy source files as binding targets in Guice. Ease of use and minimal amount of code for configuration were the design goals.
Simple examples are given inside Javadocs of this project and there is a Junit testcase in the source.
You should consider using groovy-guice, if you want to use Groovy power, but you have to wrap it or want to call it from within java.
currently supported features:
* compilation of class/script files at runtime
* compilation of code inside a String at runtime
* configurable recompilation of changed class and script files
* URLs as part of classpath
* @Inject is fully supported for resolved Groovy classes
* OSGi
changes in version 0.4.0
* Modules written in Groovy can now be added during module installation time. New methods were introduced for this feature. Please have a look at UserGuide for the current API usage.
* API fr