资 源 简 介
This is a collection of libraries for efficient Search mechanisms in Java.
Current libs consists of:
1. TrieMap: A simplistic Trie based Map with O(M) complexity where M is the number of bits in the search Key
1. Digital Search Trie: A simplistic Digital Search Trie with key values on each node. Average Complexity is O(lg M) where M is the number of bits in the search Key and leads to a balanced Binary Tree for a random set of fixed and unique keys.
1. Binary Trie: A simplistic Binary Trie with insert and search complxity of O(lg M) where M is the number of bits in the search Key and leads to a balanced Binary Tree for a random set of fixed and unique keys.
1. Patricia Trie: A Simple binary Patricia Trie (Radix =2). This trie does not check for similar bits, is more space optimized and is faster that all the other binary Tries.
Work In Progress:
1. String based Patricia Trie
2. String based