资 源 简 介
A relatively simple game project developed in Java, featuring OpenGL and Swing implementations, as well as networking capabilities.
Timespan: 4 weeks.
The game
The "Tic Tac Turn"-game is loosely based on the famous "Tic Tac Toe"-game, but differs in the fact that the game is played on a 2x2 (or 3x3) field of individual "Tic Tac Toe"-boards, also referred to as blocks.
With each turn, the player rotates a block clock- or counter-clockwise and puts his/her symbol on any of the available places. The game can be played with a maximum of 4 people, and the goal is to win by having 4 (for a 2x2 field) or 5 (for a 3x3 field) symbols in a row.
The implementation
We decided to put our OpenGL knowledge to the test and write a fully 3D version of the game in the time we had. The