资 源 简 介
The Amazon Kindle 3 devices have got the capability to add annotations to PDF files, but stores them in a separate binary file, making it unusable for a normal PDF reader. This project aims to write the annotations back into the PDF, to allow a normal PDF reader to show the annotations you made.
If you are very happy I implemented the Kindle Annotator you can support my work in two ways: Firstly you can tell everyone you like the tool or secondly you can donate some money so I can buy more E-Book reader devices. [![](https://www.paypalobjects.com/enUS/i/btn/btndonateLG.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=s-xclick&hostedbuttonid=AP5R8LAWP9LYU)
Fast Track
Download the current release, unzip it and call java -jar kindle-annotator.jar -in -out . If you have more questions, visit the usage information.