资 源 简 介
RunningCat is a testing system to test students programming skills. The testing system consists of the next parts:
* testing server (Java);
* data base (mysql);
* web interface (LMS Moodle and module for it).
The testing system runs on Linux and Windows platforms.
* interface for adding new problems
* interface independed on Moodle (with using CMS (Drupal, Joomla or other)/without using CMS)
* user guide
* web-site, including forum, wiki
* news (LOR)
* article in full circle journal
Version of EditArea is 0.8.2. Download it from here http://sourceforge.net/projects/editarea/files/.
Version of GeSHi is Download it from here http://sourceforge.net/projects/geshi/files/.
You cat update these modules: just download and extract new versions into moodle-root/mod/problemstatement directory.