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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > Android应用程序(需要root)将启动和停止一个用户定义的PPTP VPN连接。

Android应用程序(需要root)将启动和停止一个用户定义的PPTP VPN连接。

资 源 简 介

Android application, widget, and service which can start a user-configured PPTP VPN connection (using root). Leverages Android"s command line mtpd and route commands to start and stop VPN connection. Includes Intents which can be called and listened for - from other Android applications, which in turn are able to start and stop the VPN connection programatically. Can be used on its own, or in conjunction with homewatcher: http://code.google.com/p/homewatcher/ To join or comment on the RootVPN project, please do so on the HomeWatcher google group (link provided).

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