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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > Java > Android应用程序在博尔扎诺自由大学的主要建筑观门萨摄像头


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Android app to view the mensa webcam at the Free University of Bolzano Bozen - FUB. Download the lastest version by clicking [here](http://isthemensafull.googlecode.com/files/Mensa_0.2.2_Beta.apk). Note: your device must allow the installation of third-party applications, as this application is not available through the Market. Please go to the Settings, click on Applications and enable the checkbox named "Unknown sources" with the description "Allow installation of non-Market applications" (text may vary on your device). Instructions When starting the application, the image will automatically be updated. It will then be possible to updated the image manually by pressing a Refresh button in the Menu. Furthermore, an automatic refresh functionality is available in the options menu. The refresh frequency can be adjusted in the preferences, which can be found in the options menu too.

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