资 源 简 介
No.1 full cygwin1.7.x environment will consume 4.6GB of your harddisk;and my mini-cygwin1.7.x just cosume 7.77M harddisk space.
完整的cygwin1.7.x 环境装完了以后,会占用你4.6GB的硬盘空间,而我的mini-cygwin 1.7.x 只占用7.77M的磁盘空间。
No.2 compressed min-cygwin just cost 2.4MB harddisk space. unarchive the cygwin-lite.7z on your disk C,and click cygwin/cygwin.reg is what you need to do.
压缩的mini-cygwin 只有 2.4MB,你需要做的就是解压缩cygwin-lite.7z到你的c盘,然后点击cygwin/cygwin.reg 文件注册这个mini-cygwin 就可以了。
No.3 if you need more help on using mini-cygwin,please see Wiki first;
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