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购买积分 购买会员 激活码充值

您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 1. 本程序中,首先应输入一个值赋给初始报数上限m,人数n应为任意的,程序应能自动保存出列人的序号并将出列的人所持的密码赋给m,再次作为报数上限,然后删除出列人...

1. 本程序中,首先应输入一个值赋给初始报数上限m,人数n应为任意的,程序应能自动保存出列人的序号并将出列的人所持的密码赋给m,再次作为报数上限,然后删除出列人...

  • 资源大小:10.26 kB
  • 上传时间:2021-06-30
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: 汇编语言 c++

资 源 简 介

1. 本程序中,首先应输入一个值赋给初始报数上限m,人数n应为任意的,程序应能自动保存出列人的序号并将出列的人所持的密码赋给m,再次作为报数上限,然后删除出列人信息。如此循环,直至所有人都出列为止。 2. 程序以用户和计算机的对话方式执行,即在计算机屏幕上显示“提示信息”之后,由用户在键盘上输入相应数据(即每个人所持的密码),每个人的序号由程序自动分配并存储。 -1. This process should first enter a value assigned to the initial reported that the maximum number of m, the number n should be arbitrary, the procedure should be able to automatically save a number of people out and held out the password assigned to m again reported as the maximum number, and then delete the information out of people. Such a cycle, until all that far out. 2. Procedures to computer users and the implementation of the dialogue, that is displayed on the screen in the computer " message" after the keyboard by the user in the corresponding input data (that is, each person" s password), each individual" s serial number automatically assigned by the procedures and stored.

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