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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > 其他 > 汽车CAN总线实现包括OBD2报告和表/显示驱动程序


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This project contains multiple subsystems for implementing a custom automotive network using CAN bus, including OBD2 and status reporting, and converting CAN bus reported parameter into gauge or screen outputs. The code supports multiple popular microcontrollers in the Atmel AVR and STMicro STM32 family, and common CAN bus controllers. The STM32 directory contains code for the STM32F100 series microcontrollers. It has device support for both the MCP2515 SPI CAN controller and the bxCAN controller built into the f103, f105 and f107 processors. The AVR directory contains code for the ATMEGA AVR series of microcontrollers. It had tested device support for the MCP2515 SPI CAN controller, and preliminary (nominally complete but unverified) support for the built-in CAN controller on the AT90CAN32/64/128 microcontrollers. The Cougar directory contains add-on code for the Cougar EV motor controller firmware. It is designed to be added onto the existing fir

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