资 源 简 介
Archivebox identifies and backs up files and directories. As part of digital preservation activities, Archivebox currently has the following functionalities:
1. Identify file type and other technical information (metadata)
1. Associate file type with national and international file format registry
1. Integrate file storage using cloud storage such as Amazon S3
The availability of these tools will help general users, archives and libraries to easily integrate file identification and storage with their workflow.
# What is Archivebox?
ArchiveBox is a digital preservation software for identifying computer file type information, extracting these technical information, and saving them in a file for future use. It also allows users to upload all their files to take advantage of cloud storage such as Amazon S3.
# How is Archivebox different from Dropbox?
Dropbox offers cloud storage and file synchronization.
ArchiveBox does NOT