资 源 简 介
A framework written in Javascript to build Web 2.0 GUIs with full draggable content windows.
For LIVE - Demo see manufacturers homepage, which is employing the framework (http://www.2112portals.com).
The solution is exensible by building custom "snapIns" that can simply be build using Javascript.
However there are already snapIns for content (IFRAMES), embedding (Flash etc.) included in the package.
All content will be displayed in "snapIns" - small windows that snap (or dock) into a portals predefined layout (which also is customizable).
The framework currently uses YUI (YAHOO User Interface) Framework Version > 2.5.0 which is required to run the portal.
Please download it from http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/
[This dependency will be removed from one of the next releases to make the 2112PowerWindows Framework independend from any other source.
The current version uses PHP Scripts for AJAX Calls, including the Snoopy Class PHP.