资 源 简 介
This is less of a "source-code-project" but more a meta-project, or in other words, a distro of MinGW which includes the following, as of the initial release:
GCC 4.5.0 (from upstream at http://mingw.sf.net)
OpenMP 3.0
patched OpenMP-dll (doesn"t crash on nested threads, thanks to http://jdlraw.sourceforge.net/GompPatch.shtml)
Boost 1.43.0 (custom-compiled with GCC 4.5 ->
"bjam toolset=gcc variant=release --layout=system runtime-link=shared --link=static stage|install")
* SDL 1.2.14 (lib from mingw upstream)
* SDL\_image 1.2.10 (lib from msvc upstream, .lib working as is)
* libnoise 1.0.0 (.a-lib build by dragging everything recursively into code::blocks, then compiled with GCC 4.5)