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Lightweight distro, SMP-enabled kernel but CPU-compatible down to to a Pentium II. Suggested min. configuration is a PII-400 with 128mb.
This is Slackware with general desktop use in mind. Many utilities are included for easy setup and maintenance, but all the old Slackware ways still apply... stable, low-overhead, secure. All system configuration MUST be done as root. This is for security and to enable low maintenance in a school or business setting.
All-at-once installer puts all libraries and packages in at once, taking up about 1.8 GB of HDD space. Can be installed as per Slackware, but AUTOINSTALL (which partitions hard drive automatically) is also an option. Pcmanfm is the default window manager running on Icewm. Rox-filer is also available and is complimentary to pcmanfm.
K3B is the burning software, base install includes GIMP-2.6 (with extra script-fus), AbiWord-2.6.4, games, Thunderbird email client, ftp client, PDF viewer and a PDF editor, two insta