资 源 简 介
Run python scripts and access the Zeolite API from Python!
To build this DLL, you will need a Visual C++ compiler, SWIG 1.3, and Python 2.5.
Installation Instructions
Get Python here: http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.5/python-2.5.msi
Then get cdPython here: http://l3dtpython.googlecode.com/files/cdPython-0.10.zip
Go to D:InstallBundysoftL3DT Standard 2.5 RC3 (or wherever L3DT.exe is installed) extract the cdPython.zip to here.
cdPython is now installed. Try it out with the following steps:
Get a script to try out, like HFtoBMP: http://l3dtpython.googlecode.com/files/HFtoBMP.py
Create a Terrain.
Start L3DT, go to cdPython->Run a Python script, browse to HFtoBMP.py, press OK, enter a filename in the text box (without the BMP extension), press OK
Go to the folder where the HFtoBMP.py script is and there should be a BMP file with the filename you ga