资 源 简 介
This repository is no longer maintained here. Please go to http://github.com/rsgalloway/pyseq for updates.
PySeq is a python module that finds groups of items that follow a naming convention containing a numerical sequence index (e.g. fileA.001.png, fileA.002.png, fileA.003.png...) and serializes them into a compressed sequence string representing the entire sequence (e.g. fileA.1-3.png). It should work regardless of where the numerical sequence index is embedded in the name. For examples, see basic usage below.
Basic Usage
Using the "z1" file sequence example in the "tests" directory:
% ls tests/z1*
tests/z1001v1.1.png tests/z1001v1.4.png tests/z1002v1.3.png tests/z1002v2.2.png
tests/z1001v1.2.png tests/z1002v1.1.png tests/z1002v1.4.png tests/z1002v2.3.png
tests/z1001v1.3.png tests/z1