资 源 简 介
Feedjack is a feed aggregator writen in Python using the Django web development framework.
Like the Planet feed aggregator:
It downloads feeds and aggregate their contents in a single site
The new aggregated site has a feed of its own (atom and rss)
It uses Mark Pilgrim’s excelent FeedParser
The subscriber list can be exported as OPML and FOAF
But FeedJack also has some advantages:
It handles historical data, you can read old posts
It parses a lot more info, including post categories
It generates pages/feeds with posts of a certain category
It generates pages/feeds with posts from a certain subscriber
It generates pages/feeds with posts of a certain category from a certain subcriber
A cloud tag/folksonomy (hype 2.0 compliant) for every page and every subscriber
It uses Django templates
The administration is done via web (using Django’s kickass