资 源 简 介
The Eclipse plugins help coders to navigate from java codes to the IBatis/MyBatis configuration xml files. The sqlmap elements of IBatis/MyBatis can be shown when coders press Ctrl and click the sqlmap element id in Java code. The plugin also provide a dialog to find the IBatis/MyBatis sqlmap elements.
# User Guide #
## Install ##
The MyBatisLink plugin can be installed by the following two types:
1. Use the update link: http://mybatis-link.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/. Open Help -> Install New Software, then input the update link to install the plugins.
1. Download the com.netease.mybatislink\_1.0.0.jar and copy it to the eclipse/plugins folder.
## How to use ##
1. Open the Java source files which use the IBatis/MyBatis APIs, then press CTRL and click the IBatis/MyBatis id (the argument of IBatis/MyBatis API like update, insert or selectList). The xml file which defines the IBatis/MyBatis sq