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Designing Boards with Atmel AT

  • 资源大小:161 K
  • 上传时间:2024-03-14
  • 下载次数:0次
  • 浏览次数:1次
  • 资源积分:1积分
  • 标      签: Designing Boards Atmel with

资 源 简 介

Designing Boards with Atmel AT89C51, AT89C52, AT89C1051, and AT89C2051 for Writing Flash at In-Circuit Test:Recent improvements in chips andtesters have made it possible for thetester to begin taking over the role traditionallyassigned to the PROM programmer.Instead of having a PROM programmerwrite nonvolatile memoriesbefore assembling the board, the in-circuittester writes them during in-circuittesting operations. Many Teradyne Z18-series testers are now in use loadingcode into nonvolatile memories, microcontrollersand in-circuit programmable logic devices. The purpose of this note is to explain how the Z18 approaches the writing task for Atmel AT89C series IC’s,so that designers of boards using these chips can get the best results.

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