资 源 简 介
PROJECT HAS MOVED TO GITHUB: https://github.com/shangoue/ell/blob/wiki/ReferenceManualEn.md
Ell is pure-header library to write EBNF grammars as C++ code. It eases the development of parsers or similar applications, while removing the need to write a lexer.
Ell is not a tool to generate parsers (like ANTLR) : the grammar you write is directly embedded into your C++ code. The core library is light, headers-only and written using generation templates technique to achieve a fastest execution.
The service provided by Ell is very similar to what Boost Spirit provides, but with a simpler object model and without the need for Boost library. It also provides additional features, such as the writing of grammar with context-dependent skipper.
For more information, look at the documentation.
Example programs fe