资 源 简 介
1、颜色特征提取function colorhist = CBIR_colorhist(rgb)% EE6850 HW3, Content-Based Image Retrieval% CBIR_colorhist() --- color histogramcalculation% input:% MxNx3 image data, in RGB% output:输出颜色直方图% 1x256 colorhistogram <== (HxSxV = 16x4x4)% as the MPEG-7 generic color histogramdescriptorMPEG-7通用颜色直方图描述符% [Ref] Manjunath, B.S.; Ohm, J.-R.;Vasudevan, V.V.; Yamada, A., "Color and texture descriptors" % IEEE Trans. CSVT, Volume: 11 Issue: 6 ,Page(s): 703 -715, June 2001 (section III.B)% 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报