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您现在的位置是:虫虫源码 > C/C++/VC++ > 原子模型(和其他工具)衍射图样的计算软件


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This project is now developed at https://github.com/wojdyr/debyer manual is available at http://debyer.readthedocs.org/ You can find here a collection of C/C++ tools that work with atomistic models. debyer The program takes as an input a file with positions of all the atoms in the virtual sample (up to tens of millions of atoms, perhaps even more) and can output x-ray and neutron powder diffraction pattern, total scattering structure function, pair distribution function (PDF) and related functions (RDF, reduced PDF). Although the program can take a unit cell as input, there are more suitable programs to calculate a diffraction pattern of a perfect crystal. A few use cases for debyer can be found in papers citing this page. dbr\_extend Modifies atomistic co

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