资 源 简 介
Improves C++ string support with minimal UTF-8 and string handling functions. The library is single cpp file and as easy as possible to integrate. Supports any STL-compatible string/vector types, and allows configuration of any used type. The library ships with comprehensive unit/regression test suite.
trim(" a bc ") == "a bc"
rtrim(" a bc ") == " a bc"
ssprintf("123=%d",123) == "123=123"
uppercase("AbCd") == "ABCD"
lowercase("AbCd") == "abcd"
vector e = explode( ",", "jani,markus,kajala" )
e.size() == 3
e[0] == "jani"
e[1] == "markus"
e[2] == "kajala"
implode(",",e) == "jani,markus,kajala"
substr("abcd",1,2) == "bc"
substr("abcd",1,3) == "bcd"
substr("abcd",0,4) == "abcd"